

Championing Health & Wellbeing

CHAW Primary Care Network (PCN) is the name given to the organisation of GP practices who are working together to provide better, more co-ordinated, effective and sustainable care for those who live in Chelford, Handforth, Alderley Edge, Wilmslow and surrounding areas. The 5 GP practices serve a population of approximately 50,000 residents.

Each practice continues to operate independently but by working together and sharing resources we are employing more skilled staff than ever before so that we give people the right care at the right time.

We will also be working collaboratively with the Care Community undertaking joint initiatives to bring well needed services to local people.



You have the power

Know your numbers week - 2nd to 8th September

Find out more here about Blood Pressure UKs 2024 campaign and how you can monitor your blood pressure

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What is a PCN?

A Primary Care Network (PCN) is a group of GPs working together alongside a range of local providers, including community services, mental health, pharmacy, social care and the voluntary sector. PCNs build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for people close to home.FIND OUT MORE

Projects and News

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28th Jun 2024

Local Area Coordinator newsletter July 2024

Download the latest copy of the LAC What's on Newsletter here


01st Aug 2024

Local Area Coordinator newsletter August 2024

Download the latest edition of the LAC What's on Newsletter here


01st Sep 2024

Local Area Coordinator newsletter September 2024

Download a copy of the latest Local Area Co-ordinator newsletter here